Getting Started

Getting Started Resources

The resources on this site are intended for individuals who aspire to attend a professional program to become a physician, podiatrist, dentist, optometrist, pharmacist, chiropractor or veterinarian.  Building a strong professional school application takes time, and the resources on this page are designed to help students who are early in their professional school journey.

Preprofessional Advisors

Pictured: Michele Duval-Martin (left), Diego Ulloa (center), Alexis Schewe (right)

Please schedule an appointment with a preprofessional academic advisor in the CLAS Academic Advising Center:


Quick links:
Fact Sheets & Placement History
Track your Progress
Student Organizations

Healthcare Careers
College of Health Professions Advising
Kirkhof College of Nursing Office of Student Services


Check out the recordings from the Getting Started Workshop Series to learn more about the holistic admissions process, maintaining strong grades, finding clinical experiences and other meaningful extracurricular involvements.  

Starting your Preprofessional Journey Finding Clinical Experiences Building Your GPA Getting Involved in Extracurricular Experiences


Check out the fact sheet for your specific career path.  The fact sheets include information about how to learn more about the profession, required prerequisites, entrance exams, GPA targets, recommendations for extracurricular involvements and more! Check out the placement history for your professional area to see where GVSU students have been accepted and trends in admissions data over the years.

Fact Sheets & Enrollment Statistics


Create a copy of our preprofessional tracking document to log information you will need for your application process. This document has tabs for many items including your Academic Plan, Experiences and Hours, GPA Calculators, Potential letter writers, Important Contact Info ...and more!


Getting involved with a healthcare student organization is a great way to stay informed and connect with other students. Check out the clubs below and submit your membership request via Laker Link

Pre-Med Club

Pre-Dental Club

Pre-Pharmacy Association

Pre-Optometry Club

Pre-Chiropractic Club

Pre-Veterinary Club

MED Fraternity

Future Female Physicians Club

Minority Association of Pre Medical Students

Multicultural Health Advocates

Latinos in Healthcare

Women in Medicine and Science

Street Medicine Club

Page last modified January 7, 2025