Temporary COVID-19 Course Policies

Credit/No Credit Information

Credit/No Credit Information

There will be a second window to request CR/NC grades for the Winter 2020 semester between May 1st-15th after Winter 2020 grades have been posted. Students who initially asked for CR/NC in March 2020 and wish to change back to a letter grade should contact their professor regarding a grade change. Please visit the May 1-15, 2020 CR/NC Information Website for the most current information regarding CR/NC requests. Updated April 22, 2020


It's important to note that a grade of “CR” means that a C or better was earned in a class. A grade of C- or lower will result in NC (no credit given for the course). 

Withdraw Information

Withdrawing from Classes

The 'W' deadline has been extended to Monday, April 6, 2020 (from the original March 6).

Students who wish to drop a class with a 'W' grade are able to do so online in Banner. If students experience difficulty dropping in Banner, they can email or call the Registrar's Office, regdept@gvsu.edu, (616) 331-3327 to start the process. Students are strongly encouraged to connect with an advisor and Financial Aid before dropping any of their classes. 

Students who wish to drop a class with a "W" grade after April 6, 2020 must follow the Late Withdrawal Process

Temporary Academic Policies Information

Temporary Academic Policies

Temporary Academic and Student Affairs Process and Procedures for Winter 2020, due to COVID-19

Effective date:  March 16, 2020 Faculty Senate has approved several academic policy changes for the Winter 2020 semester


Additional Credit/No Credit Information

  • Hours converted to CR/NC after March 15, 2020—and for Winter 2020 semester only--will not count towards the 10 hours maximum.
  • Hours converted to CR/NC after March 15 for the Winter 2020 semester only will not count towards the 25 percent maximum.
  • For Winter 2020 only, a grade of CR/NC will be allowed to replace a previous grade for the same course as long as a student is not required to have a letter grade for the course.

Page last modified April 30, 2020