Late Course Add & Late Withdrawal
Late Add
The first week of each semester is the drop/add period. During this time, students may make schedule changes with no tuition penalty. If a student wishes to late add a course after the 100% drop/add deadline, it will require several levels of approvals and documentation.
Course Drop/Add and Refund Schedule
Student Accounts for late add fee information.
You will need the "Registration and Add/Drop" form signed by the following people: instructor, department chair and college dean.
This process begins by writing a late add appeal statement and sending it with the "Registration and Add/Drop" form to your instructor.
A $25 late add fee will apply along with any additional tuition costs. Late adds are very rarely approved after the third week of the semester.
Late Add Appeal Statements
Consider the following points when submitting your late add appeal:
- Provide information on WHY you need to add the course after the published deadline.
- Steps you will take to ensure that the need for this type of an exception won’t be necessary in the future.
- If applicable, supply any supporting documentation that substantiates your appeal.
- Describe your plan to make up any missed work.
Late Withdrawal
Under extenuating circumstances, a student may appeal to the Director of Student Success Programs to drop a course after the posted withdrawal deadline if the semester is still in session. Permission to drop the course must be supported by the instructor and department chair before submitting their appeal to the Director of Student Success Programs ( for the final decision. If at any point the request is not supported, the appeal is denied and the student cannot move forward in the process.
Students need to complete the following steps:
- The student must fill out the "drop" section of the Registration and Drop/Add Form.
- The student must write a letter explaining why they are requesting a late withdrawal.
- The student must gain signed approval and a statement of support from their instructor and the corresponding department chair.
- If the student has a cumulative GPA below 2.0, they must also have their academic advisor’s signature.
- Once the student has a completed and signed Drop/Add Form, their appeal letter, and a statement of support from the instructor or department chair, the student needs to submit those documents to the Student Academic Success Center (200 STU on Allendale campus) or via email to (ATTN: Director of Student Success Programs).
Late withdrawal requests are accepted until 5 p.m. on the last day of classes. Late withdrawal requests will not be accepted starting the week of final examinations.