Program Plans: Cybersecurity (CBS)

Academic Year 2020-2021
(Please note, due to the new nature of this program, these program plans may change based on when the new courses are added to the GVSU Catalog. It is possible courses will be offered in new or different semester compared to these early plans.) 

MTH 110 Start 
MTH 122 Start
MTH 123 Start
MTH 124 Start
MTH 201 Start

Honors Program

Academic Year 2019-2020
(Please note, due to the new nature of this program, these program plans may change based on when the new courses are added to the GVSU Catalog. It is possible courses will be offered in new or different semester compared to these early plans.) 

MTH 110 Start 
MTH 122 Start
MTH 123 Start
MTH 124 Start
MTH 201 Start

Honors Program

If you started at Grand Valley before Fall 2019, you will need to update your catalog year before declaring cybersecurity as your major on MyBanner. When you begin your education at GVSU you are given a catalog year based on when you enroll in classes. 

Updating your catalog is a simple process. You will need to email from your Grand Valley email address. You will want to include your name, G-number, and the catalog year you are updating too. 

If you are not sure you need to update your catalog year, please get in touch with the advising office by either calling us at 616-331-6025, emailing us at, or scheduling an appointment with an advisor

*Please note that if you update your catalog year, you will not be able to move back to your previous catalog year, even if you want to change your major.

Page last modified June 18, 2024