Dr. Rahat Rafiq

Rahat Rafiq

Contact Information

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Phone Number: (616) 331-4377

Research Interests

Social Network Analysis and Mining

Distributed Systems

Mobile Computing

Applied Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing

Professional Activities

CIS Student Affairs Committee

Associated Faculty: Applied Computing Institute

Personal Interests

Reading, Hiking, Camping & Traveling

Teaching Interests

Data Mining

Information Management and Science

Software Engineering

Machine Learning

Distributed Systems

Recent Publications

Visualizing Software Test Requirements Using NLP and Human-In-The-Loop Approach, accepted in SIMBig-DISE, 2023


What Makes A Good Course and Professor: Through The Lens Of RateMyProfessor Website

Published in ICISDM 2023, 2022


A Preliminary Analysis of Twitter’s LGBTQ+ Discussions

Published in Annual International Conference on Information Management and Big Data, SIMBig, 2022


YouBrush: Leveraging Edge-Based Machine Learning In Oral Care

Published in 13th EAI International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services, 2022


Identifying Differentiating Factors for Cyberbullying in Vine and Instagram.

Published in Annual International Conference on Information Management and Big Data, SIMBig, 2021


Bullyalert-A Mobile Application for Adaptive Cyberbullying Detection

Published in International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services, (MobiCASE), 2020

Research Projects with Students

1. BullyAlert: an Adaptive Cyberbullying Detection Mobile Application for Parents

2. Understanding LGTBQA+ Cyberbullying Behavior in Online Twitter Communities

3. Rate My Professors (RMP) Data Collection and Analysis using NLP

4. GoFundMe (GFM) Data Collection and Analysis using NLP

5. Comparative Analysis of GPT Models for Detecting Cyberbullying in Social Media Platforms Threads

6. TestGenAI: Automating Software Test Generation Using NLP

7. Predicting Course Performance on a Massive Open Online Course Platform: A Natural Language Processing Approach

8. MooDe: App to Predict Mood Changes and Counter Depression

Grants and Fellowships

Special Project GA, GVSU, 2022-2023

Array Of Engineers Gift, PI, 38K, 2023

Stenger Law/28Technologogies Gift, PI, 53K

ESC Grant 2023, 5K

Array Of Engineers Gift, PI, 45K, 2022

P&G Gift, Co-PI, 50K, 2022

Special Project GA, GVSU, 2021-2022

CSCE Grant, GVSU, 2021

P&G Gift, Co-PI, 75K, 2021

Page last modified September 6, 2023