Time Management

What is it?

Time management is the process of planning and controlling how you spend your time in order to achieve your goals. Learning how to develop effective and efficient time management skills can help increase your productivity and success. It often involves finding balance in the demands between your classes, study time, work schedule, social commitments, recreational activity, and more.

What Might You Notice if you struggle with Time Management?

  • Procrastination
  • Declining academic performance
  • Lack of sleep
  • Difficulty concentrating or being easily distracted
  • Showing up late 
  • Missing deadlines
  • Reduced quality of work
  • Increased stress
How often do others struggle with time management?

According to a poll conducted by Gallup, 41% of adults in the U.S. feel they don’t have enough time to do the things they want with nearly 80% feeling they sometimes, if not frequently, experience stress on a daily basis.

Things you can do to assist with time management:

Plan Ahead: At the beginning of the semester, you can look more long-term at the demands of your schedule and then break it down into smaller weekly goals and commitments. Set aside time to reflect on your classes for the semester to help you plan in advance for extensive projects, papers, and exams so you can meet those deadlines, balance your other obligations, and prepare for busy weeks that may increase stress. 

Establish Routines and Use a Schedule: Incorporate the use of a physical planner, weekly calendar, or your phone to stay organized and set a routine for yourself. In addition to scheduling in your class time, study time, work commitments, and standing appointments, be sure to add in times to include recreational activities, exercise, time with friends or family, and other self-care activities. Be as specific as possible with details to help you prepare and increase follow through.

Create a To-Do List: Creating a list of tasks can help prioritize the most important things that need to be completed versus those that can be pushed back to another day. Consider due dates as well as the time it will take to complete each task. It can also be satisfying to cross things off the list as you go and reflect back on all you accomplished!

Minimize Distractions: It can be hard to focus when there are lots of distractions in our environment. Consider putting your phone away or on do not disturb to limit calls, texts, and access to social media that may cause you to lose track of time. 

Reward Yourself: 

Schedule in breaks to feel refreshed and regain focus. Consider setting a timer for 25 minutes of ‘work time’ followed by a 5-10 minute break. Look at ways to reward yourself for accomplishing tasks such as watching your favorite TV show, eating your favorite food, or treating yourself to anything else that keeps you motivated and helps you stay on track.

Ask for Help:

Seek out supports if you feel stuck. The Student Academic Success Center also offers academic coaching appointments and workshops around time management. 

Apps that help:

  • Todois: Helps keep your tasks organized across multiple platforms. Prioritize projects, set goals, visualize your productivity, and earn points for completing tasks.
  • Focus Booster: This program lets you set 25-minute blocks of work time separated by 5-minute breaks to maximize productivity and focus. Keep track of your progress to help you reach your goals.
  • Remember the Milk: If you like making lists, this fun app can help you manage to-do lists across multiple devices to help you stay more organized and productive.
  • myHomework: This app can help keep track of your various class assignments, projects, exams, and due dates across your devices.

Page last modified May 8, 2024