Faculty Course Reassignment for Research and Creative Expression Program

The Faculty Course Reassignment for Research and Creative Expression Program provides unencumbered time to help fulfill the demands of unusually time-intensive projects.  Preference will be given to faculty who are nearing a review for promotion or promotion and tenure, and who require a Course Reassignment to complete a major project essential for strengthening an upcoming promotion, and to faculty who require the course release to complete a major project (e.g., book, major grant for external funding, fieldwork/archival work, research collaboration, etc).

The Faculty Course Reassignment for Research and Creative Expression Program is a supplemental funding option of the Catalyst Grant for Research and Creativity. Please refer to the Catalyst Grant for proposal preparation guidelines.

About the Award

The Faculty Course Reassignment for Research and Creative Expression Program is in addition to the $5,000 that may be requested through the Catalyst Grant for Research and Creativity This support will be in the form of a $3,000 compensation made to the faculty member’s department, through the Dean’s office, to support the cost of a replacement instructor to cover one course, or similar responsibilities, normally performed by the applicant. The Research and Development Committee will consider requests by the applicant to provide support for a one course time reassignment in order to help fulfill the proposed project’s goals. Please note that these compensatory funds are highly competitive and are given in recognition of research proposals of superior quality. Only one proposal per review cycle, and faculty must have closed previous Catalyst/Collaborative grants before funds may be distributed.

Tenured or tenure-track faculty members on continuing appointment are eligible and require approval from the applicant’s appointing officer.

Given equally meritorious applications, preference will be given to individuals who have not received prior funding under this program (particularly within the past two years) and those individuals that are actively disseminating their work or seeking alternative sources (particularly external sources) of support.

There are three submission cycles per year with deadlines at the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on October 1stFebruary 1st, and March 15th of each year. If the deadline day falls on a weekend, then the deadline is moved to 5:00 p.m. on the next business day.

  • Grants awarded in October may run for up to two years - November 1 through October 31 of the second year.
  • Grants awarded in February may run for up to two years - March 1 through February 28 of the second year.
  • Grants awarded in March may run for up to two years - April 15 through April 14 of the second year.

How to Apply


  • Use the Faculty Course Reassignment for Research and Creative Expression Program Proposal Guidelines.
    • The format for the proposal is almost the same as for the Catalyst proposal but with one notable exception. If you plan to apply for the course reassignment funding, you must select the appropriate box on the application form, specify the semester or academic session for that this activity, and provide justification on the provided page. The justification should address why the one course reassignment time is necessary for the successful completion of the proposed project. In addition, the applicant should briefly discuss how the extra time will be used, as well as the expected demonstrable outcome of the project, such as a book, manuscript, creative performance, conference presentation, external grant proposal, etc. As this one course reassigned time will be supported by the applicant’s Unit and College, it will be reflected on the Workload Plan and/or Faculty Activity Report.
  • Follow the application process for the Catalyst Grant for Research and Creativity.
    • For the Faculty Course Reassignment, the department chair’s letter of support is especially important. In the support letter, it is essential for the chair to acknowledge that they fully support the application for a one course reassignment and will make the necessary arrangements to cover the faculty member’s course. A Letter of Support template is available. This letter should be sent to the PI to upload with the grant.
  • Attend the Office Hours that are held a few times a year.
  • Reach out to us with questions.
  • Submit your proposal online through MyApps.

Significant planning is required by your department to support your application. It is important that you notify your department chair and dean well in advance of the grant application deadline.  Without their approval the Research and Development Committee cannot grant reassignment. Below is a recommended timeline for your preparation.

One month prior to the grant deadline – contact your department chair and dean indicating that you will be applying to the CSCE Faculty Course Reassignment for Research and Creative Expression Program. In the email attach the proposal abstract, the timeline for your project, and the unit head letter of recommendation template.

Two weeks prior to the grant deadline – share your proposal with your colleagues and ask for feedback. This is a good opportunity to remind your department chair about their letter of recommendation.

Faculty Course Reassignment proposals have the same criteria and are awarded by the same competitive review process as Catalyst Grant proposals.


Terms & Conditions / Budget Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Faculty Course Reassignment FAQs

When prompted for the most significant factor that hinders faculty from completing scholarly activities, faculty feedback has consistently indicated that “time” would help them the most with their projects. Therefore, funds that would support the one course reassigned time will hopefully provide critical support in enhancing faculty scholarship. In addition, while more faculty are working under 12 month contracts, the Faculty Course Reassignment for Research and Creative Expression Program should allow for the eligibility of almost all tenured and tenure-track faculty.

No. If you are submitting a Catalyst Grant for Research and Creativity, then you will just have to select the appropriate box on the application form, specify the semester or academic session for that reassignment, and provide justification on the supplied page.

Yes. To do so, you should fill out a Catalyst Grant application requesting $0, select the Course Reassignment box on the application form, and complete all relevant portions of the application form.

Yes. The extra time for the proposed project is accountable by normal University standards.

No. The department will be compensated with $3000 for every awarded Faculty Course Reassignment.

No. The applicant’s department is directly involved in the process, and therefore must be completely supportive.

No. The course reassignment time must occur during the faculty member’s normal appointment.

Possibly. If your proposal was recommended for funding due to its merit, but the course reassignment was denied due to lack of College support or if the R&D committee did not feel that you adequately justified your need for time, then you still could be awarded the Catalyst Grant.

Page last modified March 20, 2024