Newsletters & Highlights
Research Highlights
The Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence (CSCE) promotes a culture of active, engaged and ethical scholarship through supporting innovative faculty and student research and collaborative partnerships in the broader community. The University provides unique opportunities to contribute to the knowledge or activity that further encourages one to follow their curiosity.
Working to find a biomarker that will detect Parkinson's disease at an early stage of development.
Alan Steinman is leading an international group of scientists in an exploratory research study to find out what kinds of toxic chemicals and bacteria are attracted to tiny pieces of plastic that are increasingly being found in lakes and oceans worldwide.
This applied community-based project is working with local Maasai healers to document medicinal plant usage.
Superbug Scare: Rachel Powers, Brad Wallar, David Leonard, and their teams of undergraduate students are searching for solutions to antibiotic
resistance in pathogenic bacteria.”
Members of the student organization GVSU Beekeepers harvested, extracted and bottled more than 360 pounds of honey.

Euripides' Helen, a 2017 collaboration of classics, theatre, music and visual and media arts.