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College Prep Week leaves lasting impact

August 09, 2024

College Prep Week leaves lasting impact

In an effort to see how College Prep Week attendees were impacted during their time on campus this summer, the CSO surveyed students before they arrived to GVSU and after the final day of the program. When combining the participants who completed College Prep Week in person and virtually, 127 students in total were asked if they agreed or disagreed with the statements provided by the CSO. 

Overall, students who participated in College Prep Week were much more likely to see themselves attending college after graduation and felt much more confident about knowing the resources and supports available to them on campus. The provided statements and the response data for each statement are provided below.

I see myself going to college.

  • Pre-CPW response = 69%
  • Post-CPW response = 97%

I know where to look for resources that will support my academic goals.

  • Pre-CPW response = 28%
  • Post-CPW response = 92%

Someone has shown me different resources that I can use to find more information about colleges and financial aid.

  • Pre-CPW response = 51%
  • Post-CPW response = 98%

I know several people who I can ask for college advice.

  • Pre-CPW response = 51%
  • Post-CPW response = 95%

I am excited to graduate from high school.

  • Pre-CPW response = 74%
  • Post-CPW response = 92%

I have learned about the steps involved in applying for college.

  • Pre-CPW response = 56%
  • Post-CPW response = 95%

I know which topics related to college pique my interest.

  • Pre-CPW response = 49%
  • Post-CPW response = 95%

I know someone who can support me in developing an educational and/or career plan.

  • Pre-CPW response = 59%
  • Post-CPW response = 95%

I believe I will be successful in college.

  • Pre-CPW response = 64%
  • Post-CPW response = 97%

I have learned about the steps involved in the financial aid application process.

  • Pre-CPW response = 51%
  • Post-CPW response = 95%

I believe my identity will benefit whatever college I attend.

  • Pre-CPW response = 59%
  • Post-CPW response = 95%

I believe college is an attainable goal for me.

  • Pre-CPW response = 72%
  • Post-CPW response = 97%

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Page last modified August 9, 2024