Student Network Passwords
Strong Passwords
Strong passwords are needed to protect your GVSU and personal data. Our goal is to help you find ways to establish strong passwords and remove the "painful" thoughts that most have when they are asked to remember one or more complex passwords.
At GVSU we have multiple password requirements based on the application you may use. Where applicable, we do allow you to use the same password to make this process easier. The following applications may use the same password for access at GVSU:
Network Access
Google Email
Banner Self-Service
Check out our Password Creation Do’s and Don'ts.
Password Rule Set for Student Accounts
Due to increased cybercrime, phishing, and malware, IT is improving the security of GVSU passwords by increasing the minimum required number of characters to 16. Upon receiving notice that your password is going to expire, you will be required to change your password according to the rules below.
Your password will require:
Password length between 16 and 50 characters
Uppercase letter(s)
Lowercase letter(s)
Recommended, but not required:
Special characters allowed: ~ % ^ * _ - | { } [ ] : ' .
Cannot contain:
Part of your username
Part of your first name
Part of your last name
DO NOT use Spaces
Passphrases are recommended, see Setting Strong Passwords
Your new password will need to be reset every 18 months
NOTE: If you have a mobile device that accesses email and/or WiFi (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android smartphone, personal computer, etc.), please be aware that the password must be changed on that device as well (possibly in two places: email and WiFi). If you do not change the password on the mobile device, it may lock you out of your account.