Communication to the employee ombuds shall not constitute notice to the university. This includes allegations that may be perceived to be violations of laws, regulations or policies, including but not limited to sexual harassment, discrimination, issues covered by whistleblower policies or laws, or incidents subject to reporting under the Clery Act.  Although the employee ombuds may receive such allegations, they are not a “campus security authority” as defined in the Clery Act, nor are they required to report these allegations to the University. In addition, if the visitor discloses such allegations and expresses a desire to make a formal report, the employee ombuds shall refer the visitor to the appropriate University office(s) for investigation, response, remediation, support or administrative or formal grievance processes.

Communication to the student ombuds shall not constitute notice to the university. The student ombuds is required to report incidents pertaining to harm to self and others as well as incidents pertaining to sexual assault. If the visitor discloses such allegations and expresses a desire to make a formal report, the student ombuds shall refer the visitor to the appropriate university office(s) for investigation, response, remediation, support or administrative or formal grievance processes.

If a visitor would like to put the university on notice regarding a specific situation, or wishes for information to be provided to the university, the ombuds shall provide the visitor with information so that the visitor may do so themselves. In certain situations, including but not limited to situations that involve public safety, harm to self or others, or child abuse, an ombuds may have an ethical obligation to put the university on notice in order to protect the safety of members of the university community. If the ombuds decides to put the university on notice, they shall do so in writing to the extent practicable.

The office will not conduct formal investigations of any kind. It will not willingly participate in the substance of any internal or external dispute process, outside agency complaints or lawsuits, either on behalf of a visitor to the office or on behalf of the University. 

The Employee Ombuds Office shall not address any issues arising under a collective bargaining agreement (“CBA”).  The employee ombuds will advise all union members to consult their union representative to confirm an understanding of their rights and any deadlines that may apply in vindicating those rights.  The employee ombuds may not inquire (informally or otherwise) into the application or interpretation of a CBA, or into the alleged violation of rights conferred on union members by the CBA or public employee collective bargaining law. The employee ombuds may otherwise provide services to union members.   

The employee and student ombuds shall not keep records for the university, and shall not create or hold documents or personally identifying records for the university about individual matters. The offices sets their own record-keeping practices and will create and maintain records in the manner and for the duration that they see fit. The Employee and Student Ombuds Offices may maintain statistical data to assist in reporting trends and giving feedback, but only in a manner that reveals no information that could be used to identify individual visitors to each Office. 

The employee ombuds will remain neutral and impartial. The Employee Ombuds Office will not act as an advocate for any party in a dispute; the office will not represent the university or visitors to the office.

The student ombuds will remain neutral and impartial, and does not advocate for individuals, groups or entities, but rather for the principles of fairness and equity. 

Page last modified September 21, 2022