Department of English
Language and Literature
207 Lake Huron Hall
(616) 331-3681
David Alvarez
ENG 203 World Literature
ENG 215 Foundations of Literary Study: Genre
ENG 303 Studies in World Literature
ENG 388 Emigration and Immigration in World Literature
ENG 616 World Literature in English
Research Commitments
Trans-Mediterranean migrations in literature & the visual arts
Moroccan literature of unauthorized mobility
Colonialism & Postcolonialism in Gibraltar
South African literature in English
Select Publications
- "'Come, however briefly, in': Ambiguous hospitality in Ingrid de Kok's poetry." Re-Membering Hospitality in the Mediterranean: Essays in Anglophone Literature, Arts, and Culture. Under review.
- "Bridging Migratory Fault-Lines: Francis Alÿs's Performance in the Strait of Gibraltar." Figures of the Migrant: The Roles of Literature and the Arts in Representing Migration. Edited by Siobhan Brownlie and Rédouane Abouddahab. London: Routledge, 2021. pp. 40-55.
- "Gibraltarian Grey: Ambiguous Mediterranean-ness in Giordano Durante’s Poetry." SureS (Tangiers). Special issue on Gibraltar and the Mediterranean. Edited by Dr. Jennifer Ballantine-Perera and Trino Cruz. November 2021. pp. 119-140.
- A Significant Year, translation of Une année considérable, a political travelogue by Moroccan academic & author, Abdallah Saaf. With an introduction and notes. Seagull Books, 2019.
- "The Strait of Gibraltar as Gateway to Hope and as Waterway to Hell." Entry in L’Encyclopédie des Migrants. Rennes: L’Âge de la Tortue. May 2017. Available at https://www.encyclopedia-of-migrants.eu/digital/textes/alvarez/.
- "Unstable Vessels: Small Boats in Figurations Of Irregular Migration Across The Strait of Gibraltar" Migration by Boat: Discourses of Trauma, Exclusion, and Survival, edited by Lynda Mannik, Berghahn Books, 2016. pp. 116-131.
- David Alvarez and Salah D. Hassan, Eds. Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly. Special issue on “Baleful Postcoloniality” 36.1 2013.
Contributed Introduction: “Representing Baleful Specters and Uncanny Repetitions: Life Writing and Imperialism’s Afterlives,” 10-26.
Contributed Essay: “Recording Daily Life in the Margins of History and of the Nation: Rachid Nini’s Diary of a Clandestine Migrant.” 148-178. - "Yto Barrada in Chicago," Tingis Magazine, May 2012. Available at https://www.tingismagazine.com/articles/yto-barrada-in-chicago/.
- "Teaching Moroccan Literature of Migration." Teaching Literature from Today's Middle East, edited by Allen Webb, Routledge, 2011, pp. 131-142.
- "'Dulcie Longs for the Comfort of the Quotidian': The Place of Everyday Life in Zoe Wicomb’s David’s Story." Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa. 23.2 (2011): 127-36.
B.A., Polytechnic of Central London
M.A., Ph.D., University of Texas