Department of English
Language and Literature
205 Lake Huron Hall
(616) 331-3069
[email protected]
Rob Franciosi
ENG 105 Literatures in English
ENG 360 Studies in Non-Fiction
ENG 605 Seminar in American Literature
HNR 311: Remembering the Holocaust
HNR 331: Culture and the Holocaust
Research Interests
My current research interests center on American cultural responses to the Holocaust. I am completing a study of John Hersey's epic novel of the Warsaw Ghetto, tentatively titled Imagining the Ghetto: Hersey's The Wall and American Holocaust Memory. I have also escorted groups of Honors students to Germany and Poland as part of a seminar on Holocaust museums, memorials, and sites.
Recent Publications
“Designing John Hersey’s The Wall: W.A. Dwiggins, George Salter, and the Challenges of American Holocaust Memory” in The History of the Book in the West: 1914–2000, ed. Alexis Weedon (Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2010) 503-32.
Review of MetaMaus, by Art Spiegelman, Grand Rapids Press, 16 October 2011.
“Too Much Information” Inside Higher Education, August 3, 2009.
“Where Words Fail,” Grand Valley Review (Winter 2008): 22-28.
"Designing The Wall: W.A. Dwiggins, George Salter, and the Challenge of Holocaust Memory, " Book History (2008)
Review of My Germany, by Lev Raphael, Grand Rapids Press, 10 May 2009: I2.
Shadowed Grounds: Walking Auschwitz-Birkenau, Grand Valley Magazine (Fall 2006): 20-24.
Virtual Office Hours 24/7 Inside Higher Education, May 2, 2006.
B.A., New York University
M.A., Ph.D., University of Iowa