John Gibbons

Visiting Professor
Department of English

203 Lake Huron Hall
(616) 331-3074

John Gibbons

ENG 100 Reading for College in All Majors
ENG 261 Foundations of Language Study
ENG 355 Teaching English Learners, PK-6
ENG 392 Language and Power
WRT 150 Strategies in Writing

Research Interests
My current research includes 1) using social tools such as Perusall to enhance learning in the online and in-person classroom, 2) the use of digital technologies for L2 collaborative and multimodal writing, 3) visual metadiscourse, and 4) the use of ChatGPT in the classroom. My future research interests include Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Pedagogy, Computer-Mediated Collaboration, and teacher education.

Recent Publications
Zhang, M., Gibbons, J., & Li, M. (2021). Computer-mediated collaborative writing in L2 classrooms: A systematic review. Journal of Second Language Writing, 54, 100854.  

Li M., & Gibbons, J. (2023). Re-exploring writer-reader interaction: Analyzing metadiscourse in ESP students’ infographics. English for Specific Purposes

Li M., & Gibbons, J. (2023). Examining visual metadiscourse in EFL students’ infographic posters. CALICO Journal 

Book Chapter:
Gibbons, J. & Akoto, M. (2023). Use of digital technologies for collaborative writing. In M. Li & M. Zhang (Eds.), L2 collaborative writing in diverse learning contexts. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.


B.Sc., Texas State University
M.Sc., Texas A&M University Commerce 
Ph.D., Texas A&M University Commerce

Page last modified June 21, 2024