Daniel Knapper

Visiting Professor
Department of English

241 Lake Huron Hall
(616) 331-3024

Daniel Knapper

ENG 105 Literatures in English
ENG 112 Much Ado About Shakespeare
ENG 115 Introduction to Science Fiction
ENG 220 British Literature I
ENG 313 British Literature: Shakespeare
ENG 436 Women and Literature

Research Interests
Renaissance/early modern literature
Shakespeare and adaptation
Reformation literary culture
The Bible in/and/as literature
The history of style and rhetoric

Recent Publications
Pauline Style and Renaissance Literary Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.


“Biblical Prophecy and Political Counsel in Shakespeare’s Richard II and Shakespeare and Fletcher’s Henry VIII (All Is True).” English Literary Renaissance 54.2 (Spring 2024), 179-206.

“Prophetic Style and Isaian Exceptionalism in Reformation Rhetoric and Theology.” Sixteenth Century Journal 54.3-4 (Fall/Winter 2023), 263-283.

“Thunderings, Not Words: Aspects of Pauline Style in Pericles and The Winter’s Tale.” Shakespeare Studies 47 (2019), 169-204.

“In Praise of Bad Prose: Reading Pauline Style in the Reformation.” Renaissance Studies 33.2 (April 2019), 281-298.

Editorial Work
Comparative Drama, a quarterly journal of drama, theatre, and performance studies.

Ph.D., The Ohio State University
M.A., University of Virginia
B.A., Calvin University

Page last modified August 23, 2024