Corinna McLeod

Department of English

Language and Literature

247 Lake Huron Hall
(616) 331-8576


Corinna McLeod

ENG 204 World Mythology
ENG 303 Studies in World Literature
ENG 382 Nature Writing
ENG 495 Literature and Language (Capstone)
ENG 603 Graduate Seminar in British Literature: Literature of Empire
ENG 616 Graduate Seminar in Caribbean Literature

Research Interests
Mythology, Nationalism(s), Nation-making, Caribbean Literature, Postcolonial Theory, Travel Narratives, Ecocriticism.

Recent Publications
McLeod, C.  (2016). “‘Set Dem Free Again’:Duppy Conqueror and the Invocation of Legacy.” In Respect Due: Symposium on the Work of Kwame Dawes--Poetry International. 09 June 2016. Web. 14 July 2016.  

McLeod, C. (2016). "Merle Collins". In Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Franklin K. Knight (Ed.), Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography. (Vol. 2, pp. 189-190). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

McLeod, C. (2016). "Rosa Guy". In Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Franklin K. Knight (Ed.), Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography. (Vol. 3, pp. 242-243). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

McLeod, C. (2010). Ecocritical Service Learning in the First-Year Composition Classroom. In M.A Cooksey and Kimberly T. Olivares (Ed.), Quick Hits for Service-Learning: Successful Strategies from Award-winning Educators. (pp. 53-54). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 

McLeod, C. (2011). Teaching Aberrance: Cinema as a Site for African Feminism. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 12 (4).

McLeod, C. "Negotiating National Memory: The British Empire and Commonwealth Museum."  Museums in the Metropole: Spec. iss. of African and Black Diaspora 2:2 (July 2009): 157-165.

McLeod, C. "Constructing a Nation: Jamaica Kincaid's A Small Place." Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 25 (Feb. 2008):77-92.

B.S., University of Tulsa
M.A., University of South Carolina
Ph.D., University of South Carolina

Page last modified October 13, 2020