Brian White

Department of English
English Education

267 Lake Huron Hall
(616) 331-3492
[email protected]

Brian White

ENG 310 Teaching Writing: Secondary
ENG 311 Teaching Literature to Adolescents
ENG 400 Critical Issues in K-12 Literacy
ENG 401 Languages, Literacies, and Cultures
ENG 495 Literature and Language (Capstone)
ED 331 Methods and Strategies for Secondary Teaching
ED 431 Student Teaching, Secondary

Research Interests
My research interests include the teaching of English to native and non-native speakers; social justice and literacy education; the educational legacy of John Dewey; and enhancing response to literary texts. My current project focuses on instructional strategies designed to increase the motivation of secondary students and adults who are learning English.

Recent Publications
White, B. (in press). The role of the mysterious in the teaching of literature. In J. Flynn & J. Lupinacci (Eds.), Emancipating education. Peter Lang. 

White, B. & Brown, D. (in press). Enhancing learners’ self-efficacy to support L2 motivation: The need for strengths analysis. TESOL Journal. 15(2).

White, B. (2020). The Importance of grammar for English learners and English teachers in the coming decade. New Jersey English Journal. 9 (1), 1-6. 

White, B. & Matteoni, L. (2018). “All the kids we are most concerned about”: Putting the at-risk at greater risk by teaching to the Common Core. Language Arts Journal of Michigan, 33 (2). Available at:

White, B. (2015). John Dewey, the Common Core, and the Teaching of English. English Education.

White, B. (2015). Scapegoat: John Dewey and the character education crisis. Journal of Moral Education, 44 (2), 127-144.

Grand Valley State University Outstanding Teacher Award
Grand Valley State University Alumni Association Outstanding Educator Award
NCTE/Conference on English Education Janet Emig Award

B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A., Applied Linguistics, Grand Valley State University
Graduate Certificate, ESOL, Grand Valley State University

Page last modified June 11, 2024