Bonus Fun Registration Form

Energizing Our World Summer Camp is excited to offer Bonus FUN this summer. A wrap around program to continue student engagement in STEM is avaialable for free. Please complete this form to be included in this exciting opportunity.

* denotes a required field

Camper Information

I would like my fun kits sent to my address provided in the camp registration *

Preferring Virtual Meeting Time

My student needs a device in order to participate in the virtual sessions.

Parent/Guardian Signature *

I agree to participate in this extended learning opportunity at no cost to me and will make an honest effort to meet the following expectations:

  • Attend 3 virtual sessions
    •  If my camper is not able to attend any of the three online sessions, I will submit a photo of the lab in lieu of attendance.
  • Complete the end of session evaluation
  • Attend the November 5th Family Fun Event on campus @ GVSU

Human Verification *

Page last modified June 13, 2023