Fieldwork FAQs

Do I need to have a site secured before registering for EXS 390?

No, as long as you have completed EXS 390 you can register before securing a site. All sections of EXS 390 may fill up if you wait until after you secure a site to register.


How do I find a site?

Review the fieldwork site list and determine your area of interest.  Next, send an e-mail (see next questions for details) or make a phone call, and then ask if they have any opening and if you can visit the site.


What do I say/write when contacting the site?

Try and keep your emails clear, concise and courteous. If you hear no response after a week just be polite and re-send the email. Remember, site supervisor are busy professionals doing us a favor. If you still hear nothing after a week, re-send the email, and/or try another method of communication.

Some items you might include in your email: 

  • State your name, major, and emphasis area (Note: you are not pre-physical therapy or pre-occupational therapy students. These are not majors or emphasis areas.)
  • Explain your reason(s) for choosing the site...
    • want to learn more about a field you plan to enter upon graduation
    • exploring career options and this site piques your interest
  • Some information about your experiences (work & volunteer) and professional demeanor (strengths)

Some comments to consider including:

"I am interested in volunteering/job shadowing with your organization."

"My exercise science major requires I complete 6 hours per week over the course of the semester, for a total of 90 hours."

"Do you have any opening during the X semester?" 

"I would appreciate you considering me for a position."


What are the expectations of the site supervisor? 

  • Assist the student in identifying roles and responsibilities;
  • Provide opportunities for the student to learn and develop;
  • Sign off on student hours;
  • Discuss with the student different themes associated with working in a professional environment;
    • e.g. professionalism, education, certifications, and memberships
  • Complete a pre- and post-evaluation of the student's performance.


What are the classroom expectations?

Students will meet in-person or online for class multiple times throughout the semester, these meetings will be outside the scheduled 90 hours at the fieldwork site.  


Can I start my fieldwork early or late?

Hours must begin the first week of classes. All hours must be accumulated by the end of classes, before exam week.


Can I end my fieldwork early?

The 90 hours must be spread throughout the semester (6-8 hours/week), this is a full semester experience with regular hours each week. 


Can I complete my fieldwork where I currently work?

Possibly, in some cases if the roles and responsibilities of the student differ from their current work and they have a supervisor to directly mentor them. Keep in mind all sites must come from the pre-approved list.


Can I complete my fieldwork and internship at the same site?

Yes, but responsibilities must change with an internship and a plan must be presented and approved by Professor Peddie.

Page last modified February 11, 2022