Computer Engineering Co-op at Performance


Computer Engineering Co-op at Performance

Experience Information

Employer: Performance Software
Job Title: Engineering Co-op
Major: Computer Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Performance Software is a software and systems engineering firm that specialize in embedded avionics software but also have experience in automotive and medical applications as well. The organization is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona with half a dozen satellite locations across the US. The Grand Rapids office has about a 15 employees, some who work on multiple projects for different customers. PSware focuses on providing quality work at a fast pace with minimum overhead.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I worked on the automated verification and validation team for GE's aircraft health monitoring system. We used an agile software development strategy with daily meetings called scrums. I was responsible for developing JUnit tests that send requests to the system and verify the responses. Test cases and test procedures were written that utilized the unit tests to cover high level software requirements.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned how to use tools popular in software development, such as DOORS, Jenkins, and JIRA. Agile software development techniques were used throughout the semester. My Java and Python skills improved substantially through industry applications.

Favorite Part of the Experience

It was exciting to work on my first official project with the full responsibilities of a junior engineer. Providing assistance to other engineers with specific knowledge about my part of the assignment makes me feel confident about entering the workforce after graduation. The mentorship of my supervisors helped me learn how to make positive contributions to the team.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

My familiarity with avionics software has given me a better idea of how I would like to apply my interest in software engineering to a career. Since my dad works in the same industry, it has further peaked my interest to pursue this specific area of expertise. Working with software has been my favorite part about my education, and now I have made substantial progress towards an engineering career with software.

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