Zeeland Natatorium Internship


Zeeland Natatorium Internship

Experience Information

Employer: GVSU
Job Title: Intern to the natatorium director
Major: Sport Management
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

The Zeeland Natatorium is home to multiple different youth sports teams. These teams have many different athletes that use the facility for practice. The pool director who I work directly under is in charge of all of these teams and is in charge of the various coaches who work with them. All of these coaches rely on the pool director to schedule their practices and maintain the facility. In addition to this, the pool director serves as the head coach for West Michigan Swimmers, which is the largest and most competitive swim team that practices and competes out of the natatorium.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

My internship was located at the Zeeland Natatorium at Zeeland West High School. I was the intern for the pool director. This meant that I was not only helping maintain and run the natatorium, but I also assisted in running the multiple teams that ran out of the pool. I handled the scheduling and communications for the teams. I also was involved in marketing and various projects to grow the teams. I was primarily in charge of the Zeeland Age Group Team. I was in charge of organizing all of the team's practices and major events as well as submitting all of the team's entries as well.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I was able to improve my communication skills a lot through this experience. I was able to work very independently, so I was really able to try new things to learn what worked best for me. Being in charge of the communication for the age group team helped me learn a lot of important skills in professional communication.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this internship was being able to help the athletes. As a collegiate swimmer, it was very gratifying to give back and help other youth athletes have a safe and enjoyable swim experience as well.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This internship has helped me realize what kind of work environment I would like to work in during my career. I really appreciate how trusting and helpful all of my co-workers are. They have done a great job of making me feel heard and valued which is something I will continue to seek out in the future.

Internship Format

Hybrid (some in person and some remote)

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