Experience Information
Employer: Muskegon Public Defenders
Job Title: Intern
Major: Legal Studies
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: No
Abroad: No
Description of the Organization
The Muskegon Public Defenders represent people who do don't the money to represent themselves. The attorneys are court appointed and sponsored by the County of Muskegon.
Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed
I received a lot of hands-on experience with interviewing clients, going to jail, going to trial, completing jury surveys, helping the attorneys, filing, helping with pretrials, and more.
Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience
Understanding Court process, civil litigation, factual investigation, ethics, and more.
Favorite Part of the Experience
How hands-on the experience was and the connections I was able to make.
How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals
I plan to still become a criminal attorney, so this solidified the decision and made me want to become a judge.