EGR 490 Co-op 3rd Rotation
Experience Information
Employer: E3 Compliance LLC
Job Title: EMC Co-Op Student
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No
Description of the Organization
E3 Compliance is a small business located inside the IDC which specializes in EMC & High-Speed Design, Simulations, Pre-compliance testing, Diagnostics.
Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed
During my 3rd rotation, my tasks included writing test reports, testing products for pre-compliance emissions, immunity and transients, communicating results to customers, and performing diagnostics on non-compliant projects.
Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience
This experience taught me patience, and helped me learn the ability to be able to set down a project and come back to it with new resources rather than powering through a project and getting it done the very first time.
Favorite Part of the Experience
This rotation allowed me to do a little more debugging work on products, which gave me an opportunity to show some of the skills I've gained over the last 18 months working at E3.
How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals
I may consider a future in circuit design with regard to compliance. My current knowledge will help me when designing circuits with EMI in mind.
Internship Format
In Person