Manufacturing Engineer Co-op at Bosch Emission Systems in Germany


Manufacturing Engineer Co-op at Bosch Emission Systems in Germany

Experience Information

Employer: Bosch Emission Systems
Job Title: Manufacturing Planner Intern
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: Yes

Description of the Organization

Robert Bosch is the world's largest automotive supplier and is a multi-disciplinary international company. Bosch Emission Systems is a part of the Diesel Systems branch of Bosch. There is a manufacturing plant in Neunkirchen Germany, Kentwood Michigan, and the newest one in China.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I worked as a planner in the MOE1 department (Manufacturing Operations and Engineering). I helped plan the equipment, working sequence, layout, documentation, and helped solve daily problems within the various manufacturing areas on the floor. I worked on making the manufacturing line more lean using lean line design tools and implementation.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned how to make a manufacturing plant lean through using the Bosch Production System and lean line design tools. I learned how to be responsible for a complete project from ensuring the correct equipment is there to designing the quantity and flow of parts throughout each machine. I learned how to speak some German and communicate effectively even with a communication barrier.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this internship was being able to come to Germany and not only learn about engineering, but also about how other parts of the world function and think. I learned so much about life outside of the USA and it has helped expand my thinking and knowledge about everything in life, including engineering. I was able to travel and see so many cities and countries in Europe, which is something I will always remember.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

In the future I would like to work for a large company that is international, particularly Bosch. It is a good experience to be able to travel around the country or world and see how other plants and offices function. I would also like to work as a Manufacturing Engineer and hopefully someday, become a manager.

Where was this experience completed abroad?


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