Innotec Co-op


Innotec Co-op

Experience Information

Employer: Innotec
Job Title: Electrical Engineering Intern
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Innotec is an international lighting and technology company with their headquarters located in Zeeland Michigan. They have other locations in Hungary, China, and Mexico that together make about 9 divisions, each ranging in size from roughly 30-150 people. The company started under the "4 men in a garage" concept, where the design team was the production team, and handled the finance department, and shipping, etc. Even after their global expansion, aspects of this structure still exist and make Innotec very unique.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I was responsible for kicking-off tooling designs, testing and verifying tools, lean process organization, and many other projects. All summer I was assisting in 6 product and process launches where I recorded data, made tooling upgrades, machined tools and helped run production. I was Also part of an intern team that reduced the scrap in our division by 5% through analysis, determining root causes, and implementing process changes.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned an incredible amount over the course of the co-op such as how to operate injection molders, laser cutters, and other machines integrated into Innotecs "RedBull" process. I also learned about how their BoardFree products operate and how the production process works. I learned about flow chart programming, properties of different plastics, and I developed tons of time and project management skills. I was constantly developing more and more problem solving skills too, in so many different aspects of manufacturing.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of the co-op experience was the amount of freedom I was given. Help and guidance was always available from atleast 1 other person, but I was able to take on so many different projects and see most of them through start to finish without running into derailing problems. It was a great experience to be able to lead some projects with the feeling of responsibility, trust from my team, and equal treatment from the full-time employees.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This co-op really reassured me that my interest in Engineering won't be tarnished in the workplace. It left me very excited to keep growing in this field and it gave me a greater appreciation for manufacturing.

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