City of East Jordan


City of East Jordan

Experience Information

Employer: East Jordan Parks and Recreation Dept.
Job Title: Parks and Rec Intern
Major: Sport Management
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: No
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

This organization consists of all of the parks in the city of East Jordan, Michigan. Some parks include sports facilities where different recreational sports occur such as volleyball, basketball, dodgeball, and much more to come.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

While I was an intern at my site, I helped develop and organize recreational sports leagues (dodgeball, kickball, flag football, beach volleyball, soccer, etc.). I created information packets for league captains. I opened up our local recreational facility for pick-up volleyball, basketball, and dodgeball games. I was also responsible for collecting and tracking money for these games. I interacted with the players at these pick-up games and helped assist them with any questions or concerns. I also helped research and plan a men's fast pitch softball league that will begin spring/summer 2016.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I gained marketing skills. For example, I learned that you need to take advantage of different resources (social media, flyers, word of mouth, signs, etc.) at your disposal when it comes to marketing a sporting event or league. I gained new knowledge about many different sports including pickleball, slow pitch and fast pitch softball, soccer, dodgeball, and volleyball. I also feel like I gained more confidence in my research skills. For example, I began to take that extra step of continuing to contact the appropriate people in search of the information that I needed for different projects.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this internship experience was learning how to organize, develop, and manage different sports leagues or games that I didn't have experience with, and I also thoroughly enjoyed meeting and interacting with all of the different people that take part in recreational sports in East Jordan, MI.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has influenced my future career goals because it has shown me that I have found another interest in my career field, which is recreational sports. Now, when I begin my job search I can pursue jobs that involve recreational sports, such as a position with the YMCA, with the knowledge that I enjoy this kind of work and have the experience to be successful at it.

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