Sales and Marketing Assistant


Sales and Marketing Assistant

Experience Information

Employer: GVSU Athletics
Job Title: Create an event to increase attendance and financial gain at gvsu games
Major: Sport Management
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

I was an intern for GVSU athletics. GVSU athletics consist of 809 students athletes. The structure went based around the athletes seasons.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I had came up with an event that took me all semester to get information for. I met with a lot of people to get their opinions on the event I created. I also helped prepare games to be played for the basketball teams during their season. I also help clean at the end of the games as well. During this time I also help with advertisement around the school. Making sure the school was fulfilling the contracts they have with sponsorships.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned how to be more creative and step out of my comfort zone to speak with more people. Since we are trying to get more students to come to the games you will have to talk alot of students who pass by you while they are going to class. If you dont say anything tot them they wont say nothing to you. If you are an introvert this may not be the internship for you.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of the internship was seeing us slowly reach our goal every week. At the start of the season there is an attendance goal that is set by the end of the season. We reached the goal set for woman's and for the men! It was a great feeling to see us meet it!

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I had plans in going into sales after I graduate. I wanted to see a different form of sales so I chose sports sales. There are many aspects that I like about sports sales but at the same time there are some that I do not like. Sports takes alot of energy to be around. If you dont love sports this is not the path to be on. So I decided to take a different path. I love sports but not every single one of them.

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