Internship at Fox Hills Golf and Banquet Center


Internship at Fox Hills Golf and Banquet Center

Experience Information

Employer: Fox Hills Golf and Banquet Center
Job Title: Director of Junior Golf and League Coordinator
Major: Sport Management
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Fox Hills is a public golf course that offers 63 holes of golf. It is one of the more popular public golf courses in the Metro Detroit area. The golf course hosts over 200 golf outings and tournaments every year. The course, owned by two sisters, strives to provide a family-friendly atmosphere where people can come and relax and have an enjoyable time!

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I was responsible for helping with setting up the various golf outings that we had at the course. Once the outing or tournament was completed, I assisted with scoring the events. As league coordinator, I helped with scheduling leagues and collecting league payments from all the golfers that made up the individual leagues. As Director of Junior Golf, I was able to communicate with parents and participants about league schedules and rules. I was able to help and organize both the junior leagues and the adult leagues so that they were able to play every week throughout the summer.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

The most important skill that I gained was communication. I was able to talk to many different people and develop how I communicate professionally with golfers and clients. This internship also allowed me to develop my time management and organizational skills more. The work I have done at the course has allowed me to develop myself professionally.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part about this internship was that I was able to work in a fun atmosphere as well as do most of my work outside. I am someone who does not like to sit down for long periods of time so working at a golf course allowed me to move around and enjoy the outdoors.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

Working at Fox Hills has made me want to pursue a career in the golf industry. Through my work at the course, Fox Hills has offered me a full-time position starting in the winter to prepare for next season.

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