Twisthink Electrical Engineering Co-Op
Experience Information
Employer: Twisthink
Job Title: Electrical Engineer Co-Op
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No
Description of the Organization
Twisthink is a smaller company which provides you the opportunity to get to know everyone and allows for you to feel like you're really apart of the team. The company is a digital innovation consulting firm which allows for the opportunity to work on a variety of different, interesting projects.
Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed
While at Twisthink, I was given the opportunity to work on a program for an embedded system through CCS. I was also able to work on debugging circuits on manufactured circuit boards. I was also able to redesign an existing circuit so that it could be recreated using a new software. These tasks were extremely interesting as they all built on my existing knowledge from classes, but pushed me to learn and do more with that knowledge.
Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience
Through this experience I gained the understanding of programming within a professional setting, which takes much more planning and is much more efficient that the programs that are completed within courses. I also was given the opportunity to practice my soldering a lot and improve on that skill while also learning how to solder under a microscope. I also learned a lot about the process circuit debugging, especially with larger circuits.
Favorite Part of the Experience
My favorite part of the co-op was how friendly everyone was and how important their team was to the company. Everyone was so helpful and was always willing to help teach me and help me grow as an engineer.
How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals
This experience helped me redefine where my passion in electrical engineering lies. I learned that I truly do want to work with embedded systems.
Internship Format
Hybrid (some in person and some remote)