Haworth Engineering 3rd co-op


Haworth Engineering 3rd co-op

Experience Information

Employer: Grand Valley State University
Job Title: New Product Development
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Haworth is an international, innovative and sustainable company focused around the design of office furniture. They mix aesthetics with function to create some of the most stunning, comfortable, and practical furniture pieces in the world. Haworth continues to grow as one of the industry leaders, while remaining environmentally conscious, which is evident through its numerous LEED certified locations.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I worked on many projects that included quality control, new product development and product enhancement. I helped to document and design several parts for a new product. I was also able to help in the testing of product.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I gained more understanding in how business groups operate and interact. I also gained more experience in CAD software. Through the use of CAD I obtained a better understanding of how to provided the plant floor with the necessary information they need to manufacture product.

Favorite Part of the Experience

This co-op rotation I really enjoyed being able to experience the relationship between different groups within the company. Understanding how groups interact with each other provided a better insight as to what each group needed and how to best provide for those needs. By understanding how others operate, it actually allowed me to be more effective and provide better results.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has made me more interested in understanding not only the technical aspects of engineering, but also how business interactions change the culture and dynamics of the workplace.

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