Stepping Into The World of Industry


Stepping Into The World of Industry

Experience Information

Employer: GHSP
Job Title: Manufacturing/Process Engineer
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

GHSP is a mechatronics company that specializes in the production of electronics and ePumps for cars. GHSP has approximately 2,000 employees world wide and approx. 450 in my location in Grand Haven, MI. The company has a global footprint currently in China, Mexico, and Germany as they continue to look to expand their operations even further.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I was able to design and implement a Heijunka Kanban system for our electronics room. It will help the overall flow of the room and over time help increase the capacity of the room as WIP (Work In Progress) is reduced.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned how to professionally design and implement a large scale project in a fast paced manufacturing work environment. I also learned how to work with a team and help them understand my vision by drawing upon my previous experience in doing so during my time at GVSU.

Favorite Part of the Experience

I really enjoyed working with my team and absorbing everything and anything I could learn from them. They made it a real treat to come to work everyday and for that I will never forget my time working here. They took my opinions very seriously and treated me as an equal on every occasion. I was also given the opportunity to succeed or fail on my own which, in my own opinion, is incredibly valuable when just starting in a career. I can never thank GHSP enough for this opportunity and will look to use the skills I have learned here moving forward in my career.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

The vision for the future of my career has never faltered, but this co-op has taught to look at every opportunity with an open mind. I was initially nervous when first accepting this position because it lies slightly outside of my specific realm of study. I now see this experience, as previously stated above, as invaluable and has opened my mind to a multitude of new pathways to reach my overall career goal.

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