Magna Mirrors Second Co-op Semester


Magna Mirrors Second Co-op Semester

Experience Information

Employer: Magna Mirrors
Job Title: Student Intern - Advanced Product Development
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Magna is a leading global automotive supplier with 313 manufacturing operations and 84 product development, engineering and sales centers in 28 countries. The Kraft location of Manga focuses on automotive mirrors and door components, as well as product development and environmental testing.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

This semester I have worked on a wide variety of projects, some of which include: -Thermal imaging -Thermal resilience testing -Environmental conditions testing -Light flicker testing -Spot meter testing -Circuit board assembly -Circuit development -Patent investigations -Innovation presentation

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I have learned a great deal about proper testing procedures, how to set up and evaluate the results of a test. How to account for unexpected variation in a test. I have also learned a lot about circuit board population techniques for tricky layouts.

Favorite Part of the Experience

As difficult as it can be to come up with new ideas for automotive innovation, it is incredibly rewarding (and a little nerve-wracking at first) to successfully defend one's own concept before a board of upper management.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I am incredibly pleased with how these past two Co-Op semesters have gone. The varied project work prevents me from ever getting into a mental rut and the innovation projects provide a real creative challenge. This is definitely the line of work I wish to continue in.

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