Internship Experince


Internship Experince

Experience Information

Employer: Davenport University / Kenowa Hills
Job Title: Volleyball coach
Major: Sport Management
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: No
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

I worked for the Davenport university volleyball team. I was one of three coaches helping out for a team of 12 athletes. Davenport plays division 2 club volleyball.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

While at my internship, I spent a lot of time recruiting players for future years. I also spent time working on a volleyball camp/event that will occur in the summer for high school volleyball players to attend. Lastly, I spent time helping out with day to day tasks like organizing practices, tournaments, etc.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

One important skill that I learned at this internship is the ability to adapt. Especially in coaching, you have to constantly adapt to how well your team is performing. For example, maybe your team struggles with offense and you need to make adjustments to practice plans to better suit your teams needs.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part about this whole experience was being able to help all of the student athletes. My favorite thing to do is to help others. I believe that I have a lot to offer these athletes because of the similar experiences I went through during college and high school.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience gave me a good stepping stone for what I want to do in the future. My ultimate goal is to coach basketball at the college level. This was the perfect opportunity for me because it got me experience coaching at the college level, even though it was for volleyball and not basketball.

Internship Format

Hybrid (some in person and some remote)

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