Yanfeng Automotive Interiors Intern


Yanfeng Automotive Interiors Intern

Experience Information

Employer: Yanfeng Automotive Interior
Job Title: Advance Manufacturing Engineers
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

YF designs and manufactures interior components, door panels, floor consoles, instrument panels and cockpits and overhead consoles for automakers. YF is a global company with plants and technical locations in 20 countries with more than 33,000 employees.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

For this summer internship I was placed in the Advanced Manufacturing Engineers Department under Dale Boone. My mentor was Laura Snyder and I have been working closely with Joel Timmer on the DJ IP Trim Line that is being sent down to Mexico, 34 machines. For the IP Trim Line, I developed ODS (Operator Description Sheets) for the DJ IP Trim assembly line, assisted in creating a Poka Yoke Matrix for the different sensors on the machines and updated the PFMEA (Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) spreadsheets. I built parts for our different builds, evaluated the control plans and proved out equipment to send to Mexico. I also worked on my own project, proposing to replace our current peel and stick labeling process with a more advanced and efficient laser marking process.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

Throughout my experience with YF, I have learned about the job and tasks of a Manufacturing Engineer. I was able to gain an understanding on the way the automotive industry works and how forward thinking our engineers have to be to keep up with the fast pace industry. I have learned how much work goes into developing assembly lines and how critical every component is to an assembly. It has been a great learning experience.

Favorite Part of the Experience

The company has great networking events that allow co-ops and interns to speak to superiors in the company and express their interest in the different areas on the company. It helps gain further exposure to the different groups in our single location. The first week, we had dinner and social events with our managers to get antiquated with the company and the different departments. Throughout the summer there have been different events and different clubs that bring people together and create a feeling of community.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I have enjoyed my co-op experience, it has given me a glimpse into the career of a manufacturing engineer and the automotive industry. I am looking forward to beginning my next rotation with the company and gaining new skills.

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