3rd Rotation at Innotec
Experience Information
Employer: Innotec
Job Title: Process Engineer
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No
Description of the Organization
Innotec is a very unique organization with multiple divisions in Zeeland Michigan, most having roughly 100 employees. They also have locations in Hungary, Mexico, and China. The company began with a structure based off of a ý4 people in a garageý model, which means that within each division, there are small teams (4-6 people usually) that are responsible for their own products from start to finish. The teams are responsible for stocking their raw materials, quality control, operating/maintaining their machines, making process improvements, etc. As the company has grown they have introduced some specified teams such as materials and sales, as well as a small hierarchy with the use of operations leads, and other similar positions. Every Innotec employee has a coach who they meet with regularly to discuss projects, progress, struggle areas, and general updates.
Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed
I completed a variety of projects this rotation. For example, I completed process improvement projects such as machining steel fixtures to improve automation, improving quality check reliability by performing simple worst case circuit analysis, designing 3D prints for machine fixtures, implemented a data logging feature on a production line, and more. I was given the monthly responsibility of 5S for my team, which involves streamlining everyday tasks such that the team operates in a ýleaný manufacturing environment.
Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience
I gained skills and knowledge that ranged from mechanical to electrical engineering. I learned how to roll steel, product design ýdos and donýtsý, basics of a graphical programming software called LabView, diagnostic techniques to investigate product performance specifications, circuit analysis in a manufacturing setting, and more.
Favorite Part of the Experience
My favorite part of this co-op experience was the amount of freedom I was given. I was given guidance as needed, but I also had countless opportunities to seek my own projects with the ability to pitch ideas, build project teams and develop my own strategies. Even though I was classified as an intern, Innotec basically treated me like a full-time employee with the understanding that I am not actually as experienced as the full-timers, so coworkers were quick to help if I ever needed assistance.
How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals
This experience helped me to realize how important each field of engineering is to a companyýs success. Before going into the co-op I thought I would never enjoy a career in manufacturing, but now I see just how much can be done on a production line and how much electrical engineering is needed in such an atmosphere.