Disher co-op Experience
Experience Information
Employer: Disher
Job Title: Product Development Engineer
Major: Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No
Description of the Organization
Disher is a fully integrated product development firm. The team is of over 130 design and engineering experts who partner with organizations to help their products look good and work well. They drive to make a positive difference and build a culture that attracts some of the sharpest people across the states. Disher was rated to be the 4th best provider of consulting and professional services, and the 22nd best small/medium place to work at in the states.
Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed
As a co-op we all get a chance to show what we know and make the most of our experience. I started on smaller internal projects that improved Disher as a company. As time progressed I reached out and worked on developing a mechanized product for a company. Projects has a construction, solidWorks/design and electronics emphasis for me.
Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience
Real world experience are key towards solving real world problems so I gained just that and had a great time.
Favorite Part of the Experience
The culture is fantastic at Disher. My coworkers were people that came from all sorts of backgrounds, experiences, and homes. They are some of the most intelligent people I have met and I can't wait to go back. The opportunity to learn is impossible to avoid!
How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals
I am an entrepreneur and need to have a variety of backgrounds. Disher is a service based company that has people in every sort of career path. I had a chance to learn about them so I know what I want to focus on.