


Experience Information

Employer: Viking Products
Job Title: Co-Op Engineer
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Viking Products, Incorporated is a medium-sized business with over 90% involvement in the automotive industry with a massive footprint. Around 50 total direct employees worldwide, with constant and fervent growth year over years. At the Headquarters in Walker, MI there are 6 divisions or "teams": Warehouse Team, Sales Team, Materials Team, Estimating Team, Quality Team, and the Engineering Team. Member counts range from 1 to 10 on average.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I oversaw and assisted with multiple program developments, quality control of parts received, prototype design and manufacture. Furthermore, I was given opportunities to exercise GVSU curricula in ways that fused disparate regions of study.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I gained specific skills in thread identification, 3D printing know-how, manufacturing processes, specification examination. When considering software, I was made to use Solidworks 2018 (and later, 2019 due to an update) very liberally and I was given the most powerful computer in the building to do the necessary digital work. I have made countless drawings that are now in production in the hands of skilled individuals.

Favorite Part of the Experience

Becoming a professional individual was one of my favorite parts of this co-op experience. With the light business atmosphere I was able to ease into the role of an engineer and now at the end of the third rotation there is a stark difference between my behaviors, tendencies, and appearance when compared to when I first started at Viking. The chance to coalesce into something greater than myself was given, and I took it! And I am thankful in the extreme for such a chance.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has given me the keys to many doors in the automotive industry that I intend to use with respect and eagerness. Professionalism, attention to detail, solution-oriented questioning, and to quote the Vice President Mike Hall.... "The path of improvement has no finish line". I heard it early on at Viking and while it wasn't about me specifically, I took it as a directive. No matter where I end up after Viking, the strive to always improve will be ingrained into me.

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