My Summer Internship at The Borgen Project


My Summer Internship at The Borgen Project

Experience Information

Employer: The Borgen Project
Job Title: Writer
Major: Writing
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: No
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

The Borgen Project is a nonprofit organization that fights to make global poverty and foreign assistance a larger focus in U.S. politics. The organization is based in Seattle, WA and employs a large amount of interns for different departments. My internship was completely remote.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I wrote weekly articles that were due every week on Friday. Articles were to be proposed to our managers and had to be approved before we could begin to write them. There was also the option to use article ideas and titles that were already proposed and ready to be written about. Interns were to complete their weekly trackers that included activities like promoting The Borgen Project and calling/emailing congress to make a difference.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned was SEO writing was, and how to correctly use it within the content written for a specific organization. I also learned how to be punctual and manage my time appropriately as I was forced to organize and write without in person deadlines, the work was completely remote. I also learned how to fundraise for a specific cause by advocating. Lastly, I learned how to lobby for congress.

Favorite Part of the Experience

I enjoyed the responsibility I was forced to take on with such a remote internship like this one. I had no choice but to take many matters into my own hands because there often wasn't much communication between management and interns. I also liked that we proposed our articles instead of having management choose them for us, as I think that's a realistic approach to journalism that will appropriately prepare me for a journalist job in the future.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

My future goals have shifted since being a part of this internship program. I am more interested in being a journalist of some sort than I was before. I also learned how to write in a tone that matched this career path more adequately.

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