Autocam co/op experience


Autocam co/op experience

Experience Information

Employer: Autocam
Job Title: co/op
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Autocam is an organization that specializes in the engineering and manufacturing of high precision fuel injector system components.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

For my first month at Autocam, I was trained on a 6 spindle screw machine that produces bushings. This consisted of measuring parts, changing tools, making manual offsets, presetting drills, loading bar stock, and other general machine maintenance. I then did an auditing project that involved going through a checklist for about a dozen machines and ensuring that they were up to date on maintenance, were running properly, and were consistent with the systems on the computer. I also worked with the engineers on occasion making the necessary changes found in the audit. Another project I had was a tool loop assessment, in which I cross checked the tool lives in the system with the actual tool lives at the machines, and assured that tool loop sizes were adequate to meet the demand. Towards the end of my co/op, I trained a new operator on the machine I ran earlier in the summer.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

Probably the most important thing that I gained from Autocam is a solid knowledge base of manufacturing. From learning the different processes involved in production, to getting to physically produce parts, my co/op at Autocam really has given me a good hands-on foundation for engineering. In the process, I was able to enhance my problem solving skills. Learning by making mistakes and getting to troubleshoot them on my own has also increased my confidence and ability to come up with solutions quickly and independently. While working on the production floor, I worked with some difficult people. Dealing with some of these interesting personalities has helped me to be more patient and open minded.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this experience was the hands-on learning that I got to do. Through running the screw machines, I was able to get a much better grasp on the physical aspect of engineering. Getting involved in both the technical and physical sides of manufacturing was interesting and has helped me to understand the bigger picture.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

Working at Autocam has exposed me to a whole other side of engineering that I have not experienced at other internships. It has made me realize that, even though it was an excellent learning experience, manufacturing engineering is not something I want to pursue in the future. I have become interested in biomedical engineering, though, and so Autocam Medical might be a better suit for me.

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