Enjoyable Design Work


Enjoyable Design Work

Experience Information

Employer: Koops Inc.
Job Title: ME Co-op
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Koops provides custom assembly equipment, usually automated, primarily for automotive manufacturers, but their customers encompass many other industries. In total, they have around 170 full-time employees at locations in Holland MI, and Greenville, SC. Each department in managed by one or more "leads" who perform essentially the same type of work that they supervise.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

Right from the beginning, I was introduced to the full design process, being tasked with designing a specialized part rack to challenging specifications. Throughout the semester, I performed much of the same kind of work done by my superiors: designing different stations for an automated headliner assembly line, re-designing portions of existing machines to accept new parts, and coming up with solutions for problems encountered in the assembly phase of several machines. Only a small portion of my time was spent on more "traditional" intern work, like creating standardized part models and updating old documentation, and such work was only assigned when there weren't more in-depth projects available.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

Through considerable contact with customers, I learned how to present my designs, explain my work in the level of detail they wanted, and also consider and implement their requested changes. From the training I received coupled with my constant use of the program, I am far more proficient in using SolidWorks than I ever was before. From interacting with several project managers, I have a good idea as to what level of detail and explanation is expected by the business side of an engineering company.

Favorite Part of the Experience

I was thrilled to be able to use some of my own creativity in coming up with design solutions. The level of detail expected in each phase of the documentation process made the whole process a lot more fun for me than if each and every step had to be rigorously scrutinized and double checked. This was mostly due to the level of perfection expected by most of our customers, and the quality of our machining and assembly teams.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

During the co-op interview process in EGR 289, I was careful to choose the company that I thought would be the most enjoyable to work for. My experience with Koops has surpassed my expectations, and I am eagerly anticipating working there when I graduate.

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