Software Engineering at Dematic


Software Engineering at Dematic

Experience Information

Employer: Dematic
Job Title: Co-Op Software Engineer
Major: Computer Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Dematic, an ISO 9001 certified company, is a global leader providing an impressive range of intelligent logistics and materials handling solutions. With a global knowledge network of more than 3000 highly skilled logistics professionals, Dematic is able to provide its customers a unique perspective in world class materials handling solution design. Our commitment to product and solution R&D combined with manufacturing plants in the US, Europe, China and Australia ensures Dematic has the range and capability to provide reliable, flexible, cost effective solutions globally. Our tremendous track record of success has led to the development and implementation of more than 4000 world class integrated systems for a customer base including some of the world's biggest companies. -- Source:

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

My tasks consisted mainly of programming assignments and a little research and design for implementations of software solutions. All my tasks were pertinent to the construction of a new and improved software system which is intended to provide the foundation for a number of the application-specific materials handling systems, such as sorting and picking.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

In addition to the privilege of working with engineers who have been in the materials handling logistics field for many years, I was able to practice using programming languages such as C++ and was able to learn both Python and C#.

Favorite Part of the Experience

It is difficult to ascertain my favorite part of my co-op experience since I enjoyed all facets of working at Dematic. However, if I had to pick one, I would say that I particularly enjoyed being able to use my programming skills to measurably contribute to the software products.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

The opportunity to perform the work of a software engineer at Dematic certainly has confirmed that I would like to continue to pursue that field as a career. Additionally since my experience there has been exceedingly good, I would very much like to continue to work there after I graduate.

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