JR Automation Technologies Co-op II


JR Automation Technologies Co-op II

Experience Information

Employer: JR Automation Technologies LLC
Job Title: Mechanical Design Intern
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

JR Automation is a company that is drastically expanding and is at the forefront of machine integration world. JR is the leading integrator of Fanuc robots in the world and has hired roughly 100 people since just one year ago. We are expanding to new realms such as medical applications which vary some from the normal niche of ultrasonic welding, laser welding, robot material handling, and controls integration with servos, PLC's and the like. JR is a family friendly company that cherishes the workforce by treating us on a regular basis and picking employees and their families up by throwing charity events through the JR community Foundation (JRCF). Just recently the company gave $80,000 to local non-profits in the community as part of this foundation. I must not forget that ping pong is a cult at every building during every break. It is a great way to get the blood moving and to get to know who you are working with on a day to day basis. I tried to add a different video but it is a valid link for this post. Check out the new promotional video for this awesome company! This will show you first hand what JR is all about from this video on JR's Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/115354935195581/videos/1039296852801380/

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I have worked for JR for two semesters and throughout that time have spent a vast majority of time quoting material handling cells, assembly cells, both fully auto, partially auto, and manually operated machines. This past rotation I worked in design and help detail two large press for pressing some components together. I dipped a bit in quoting to help knock out a few of the RFQ's that we were going to be late, but everything worked out. As far as the design aspect goes, datum features are my new best friend. This is because of the large amount of detailing that I completed,which really help me to think about how a machinist would actually go about making the specific part.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I am very proficient at using excel, but am constantly learning new techniques everyday. I am also now comfortable in three parametric modeling programs that the company uses to both design and quote machines. This and so much more I can attribute to my work in just the last few months at the company. I have learned so much more than I ever thought I could in the short time that I have worked for JR.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of my internship was the camaraderie portion. The work is awesome, but eventually it gets to be very tedious and a mind break is a must. Ping pong three times a day really helped alleviate some stress and keep me fully engaged when working.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I have realized how difficult modeling in CAD really is, when done correctly. This drives me to become more and more proficient in the coming years. One day I will be able to look back and appreciate all the hard work I am putting in now. For the time being there isn't much time for breaks because I am either working at JR or my part-time job or working on other projects. If there is one thing that I learned through working for JR is that even though I am paid hourly, I don't even think about my pay when I am working. I work to get the job done, and done well. This, if anything is the number one thing that I have taken away from working these past few months. It's not all about the money. There is intrinsic reward to seeing a machine that you quoted or designed get turned into a reality.

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