Mechanical Design


Mechanical Design

Experience Information

Employer: JR Automation Technologies
Job Title: Mechanical Engineering Intern
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

JR Automation Technologies designs and builds world-class, custom automated equipment for a variety of industries, including automotive, medical device, consumer goods, etc. JR Automation is a world-wide company with more than 2,000 employees across 23 locations.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

This co-op semester I worked as a mechanical engineer at JR Automation Technologies. The majority of my tasks were related to one project. The project involved designing an automated machine to assemble industrial A/C compressors. When I joined the project the design was nearly 100% complete. Most of the engineers that were working on the project left to work on others. I became responsible for supporting the build team and dealing with any issues that came up during the build process. I designed some of the guarding around the machine and added sensors where needed. I redesigned some machine components when issues came up on the build floor with components that were not working as planned. I met with the customer to discuss changes they wanted to make to the machine that were not brought up in the original design meetings and processed an Engineering Change Order for their requests. Other mechanical engineers, controls engineers and machine builders taught me a lot this semester, I have gained tons of practical experience during my time at JR Automation.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

The specific skills and knowledge I have gained this semester includes the ability to solve problems independently, greater utilization of Creo CAD software, and better understanding of the design process. I also gained experience in effectively communicating my ideas to other engineers and customers.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this co-op experience was working with the other engineers and builders in my building. I have learned a lot from the people around me that have more experience than I do. Everyone is very helpful and eager to answer any questions I may have.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This semester provided me a good base of knowledge from which I can build upon at JR Automation. The amount of training I have received and experience I have gained puts me way ahead of the newly hired engineers coming from universities other than GVSU. This experience has prepared me to start a career as a Mechanical Engineer.

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