Network Engineering for an ISP


Network Engineering for an ISP

Experience Information

Employer: Holland Board of Public Works
Job Title: Network Co-op
Major: Computer Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Holland BPW owns and operates a fiber-optic network in the greater Holland area. This was installed for connecting the electric substations and has expanded to service the local community. The growth of the network has allowed HBPW to provide network service to public schools, small and large businesses, residential areas, and more.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

My job has been to help support both the internal network for HBPW use as well as the external network for customers. I have done a lot of work in bringing up the network at the new power plant in Holland. I have also worked on upgrading current network infrastructure to provide resiliency. I also have done work with setting up the network monitoring and alert system.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I have learned extensively about networking in layers 1 and 2 of the OSI model. I have also been exposed to layers 3 and 4 during this summer. I have learned about designing and maintaining networks. I have also learned about what it takes to design and support a fiber-optic network in a metropolitan area.

Favorite Part of the Experience

It is hard to pick a favorite part. I would say that one thing I really enjoyed has been working to provide resiliency to the network in the form of redundant paths. This can be difficult to design because having redundant paths in a network can cause loops, which could destroy a network. However, done correctly, having a loop and implementing a version of loop protection can allow a network to near instantly converge and fix itself without users even noticing that there was a loop in the first place.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I know now that being in a network administration environment is something I enjoy. I also enjoy working in a relatively small team as it allows me to be exposed to a lot more and have more responsibility.

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