Dornerworks First Rotation Co-op


Dornerworks First Rotation Co-op

Experience Information

Employer: Dornerworks Ltd.
Job Title: EE Hardware Engineer Intern
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Dornerworks is a leader in embedded system and software design. They are a small business with over 50 employees located in the Grand Rapids, MI area. They develop electronic solutions for small and large corporations across the nation. The company specializes in complex embedded solutions for customers in aerospace, automotive, medical, and industrial.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I was taken in as a hardware engineer co-op and thus all my tasks were hardware focused. I was task with making most of the board modifications for the lead engineers on the project team. I was also put in charge of functionality and performance testing of the many different circuits located on the customers PCB. This involved obtaining and setting up software to control specific signals and verify that the circuit functions as expected on both an analog and digital level. Also, I had to introduce the boards to worst case scenario options and verify that the designs did not fail. If the designs did fail it was my responsibility to help diagnose the failure and verify the the correct changes were made in consultation with the lead engineer. I spent most of my time in the lab working with oscilloscopes, DMM, and other electronic tools during the verification. I was also put in charge of the mechanical testing of the design in which the PCB boards would be enclosed in. This project involved exposure with the external customer and other engineering companies.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned how to surface mount solder 0402 components underneath a microscope and how to make board modifications in the most efficient way possible. I also learned many new ways to debug circuits and applications for lab equipment. I learned the function and implementation of many new digital components and SoC devices. Understanding how a device works and being able to read a data sheet was a crucial learning experience throughout my first co-op. I was also introduced to many new concepts about board layout design, schematic design, software architecture and many more. I also gained knowledge outside of the technical aspects. I learned how to work in a company atmosphere with a large team of other engineers with different backgrounds. I learned how to interact with customers and hold myself in a respectable and professional manner. Being able to communicate with the other engineers in a efficient and practical manner for both parties was a major learning experience for myself.

Favorite Part of the Experience

The favorite part of my first co-op rotation at Dornerworks was the exceptionally leadership I received. I was assigned to a project team immediately and taken under the wing of many individuals. Throughout this time I was included in project meetings and given the opportunity to handle different assignments on my own. The assignments were challenging but very informative. My superiors were always available for questions and always explained why a certain aspect of a design were implemented in a specific way. I felt apart of the team and the whole company. The atmosphere of the company was very friendly and easy to adapt to. I thoroughly enjoyed the work I was conducting.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has shown me where I want to go in life and how much more knowledge I wish to acquire. Throughout my first co-op oration I was introduced to many new concepts and individuals who were experts in many different fields. I aspire to be as knowledgeable as these individuals and be a major asset to a company. This experience has also shown be how individuals can move up in a company and take leadership positions. I wish to one day move up and show others the same exceptional leadership I have received at Dornerworks.

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