Computer Engineering at Active Inspection


Computer Engineering at Active Inspection

Experience Information

Employer: Active Inspection
Job Title: Computer Engineer Intern/Co-op
Major: Computer Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Active Inspection is a very small company. The number of employees working there on a given day ranged from 2-4. Some days, it was just me and Mr. Dalmia(Owner and supervisor) while on other days there was also a couple other students working. It is an open environment, meaning we all work in the same room and can ask questions by simply turning around. We use a GIT repository for all our projects.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I worked on writing unit tests for various parts of our surface inspection application. I wrote a couple console applications to further test a couple more difficult algorithms, such as detecting repeating defects in a material. I added features to our application using WPF and C#. I tested our application from the UI perspective. I did a lot of debugging when I found errors to locate and fix them.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

The main programs that we use are Visual Studio and Microsoft Sequel Server, so I became very familiar with them. I also learned: -C# programming language. -debugging using Visual Studio's debugger. -how to write SQL scripts. -how WPF worked. -how to use XAML with WPF for GUI. -how to properly use a Git repository. -how to write thorough unit tests.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part was the open environment to ask questions and learn as much as I can. Mr. Dalmia has a wealth at knowledge and is one of the best teachers I have ever had. He explains everything very well and would be a great professor.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I have learned a lot from Mr. Dalmia. He always says that he is always learning too, and I know that I will always be learning in this field until the day I retire (and probably afterwards too). I now realize that I am always going to have to stay on top of the most current and innovative technologies and software to further my career.

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