Project Engineer Co-op


Project Engineer Co-op

Experience Information

Employer: Uniform Color Company
Job Title: Project Engineer Co-op
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

This organization created color concentrate pellets which are sent out to other companies to use and color all their plastic products. This is done by using a mixing process to make the color batches which are then sent to extruders to be melted down and drawn out into strands. After this, the strands are sent through pelletizers which cut the strands into pellets. The pellets are then sent onto a sifter to sort the sizes so the customer gets the correct size.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I was assigned to help with installing a double cone tumbler to mix all the pellets for one order but that came off different extruders so they might be slightly different colors. Tumbling the batched together assures a homogeneous mix. The tasks for installing the tumbler included planning how to load the tumbler and clean it as well as helping with testing and any problems we encountered. It was decided to load the tumbler by using a vacuum to create a low-pressure system inside the tumbler. The cleaning was done by water as well as air to dry it. I was to help with hooking up all these lines and designing the manifold which controls all these lines. I also helped pull wire for the tumbler and created drawings for the electrical schematics. I was also tasked with a project to redesign a Rotex pellet sifter to fit a different machine. This was done by shortening the stand and ordering v-casters to ride on angle iron to prevent the machine from moving while in use. I also had to find a new way to load the Rotex for the new machine. This was done by using a different hookup from Siftex to allow for quick connect and easy cleaning. Another project I had was to create a stand for a vacuum loader to load pellets from one Gaylord to another. I did this by creating a simple stand on four wheels and drawing up a plate for the loader to fit on and then create a swivel chute to easily maneuver between barrels being loaded. With these projects, I was also assigned to help with most 3D drawings for the other projects going on in the process engineering department and parts ordering for these projects. I also helped update electrical, plumbing, and plant layout drawings for the whole plant as things changed. I was also sent to the Mexico plant for a week to update all the electrical and plant layout drawings after a new water system was put in place.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

Learned how to use AutoCAD, improved CAD skills, Maintenance/tooling skills, brief electrical skills, and I learned how to communicate well with management, contractors, and in a group setting.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part was meeting all the different people and seeing how there are people that work at this company with specific skill sets. It was very helpful with projects or any questions you could go to these people and they would have no problem helping you because they are professionals in their respected fields.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

Yes, It has helped inspire me to always strive for bigger and better. One thing this company does is continuous improvement, and with me being involved with these continuous improvement projects it allowed me to see how things can always be improved and to always strive for the best.

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