Event Intern


Event Intern

Experience Information

Employer: Silver Beach Center
Job Title: Event Intern
Major: Communications
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

The Silver Beach Center includes three entities: Shadowland Ballroom, The Curious Kids' Discovery Zone, and the Silver Beach Carousel. My intern work was focused specifically with Shadowland Ballroom. The organization is rather small and only has five full-time staff members that I actively worked with. It has clear organization on the operations of each business and how they all work with each other's schedules.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I was put in charge of establishing social media posts, communicating with clients and guests at events, and planning and hosting my own community gingerbread decorating event. I also was in charge of creating guidelines for all future event assistants.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I studied how to craft social media posts, learned how to organize and execute community events, and I learned to take initiative on leading a team.

Favorite Part of the Experience

Seeing my gingerbread house event come to life was a fantastic experience. I did a lot of work organizing it and then seeing people have fun and make houses was truly rewarding. I've discussed it with my bosses and they would like to attempt at making the gingerbread decorating event an annual event.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience opened my eyes to the idea that I would like to work on community events in my future career. It is very satisfying to me to see plans come together and to see that people have enjoyed something that I created. I would like to stay in a line of work similar to this.

Internship Format

Hybrid (some in person and some remote)

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