Twisthink Co-op Round 2


Twisthink Co-op Round 2

Experience Information

Employer: Twisthink
Job Title: Electrical Engineering Intern
Major: Electrical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Twisthink is a business development and product strategy firm, with roughly 25 employees and located downtown in Holland, MI. The office space is very open, as teamwork, creativity, and collaboration is encouraged. The company often does group events such as mountain biking rides, cook outs on the rooftop patio, and a yearly Griffins hockey game, to name a few.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

This round of co-op I was able to expand upon my programming skills by learning C#, and created several WPF applications during the planning and exploration phase of a project TT was working on. I studied the feasibility of various concepts such as drag and drop, reading/writing XML documents, and custom styles in WPF by creating these demo apps. In addition, I did a fair amount of hardware validation testing. This included taking measurements such as ripple voltage with different applied loads or transient response, and then making modifications to improve the performance. Similarly, I wrote some software unit tests to verify another board's performance for a separate project, as well as taking physical measurements and constructing graphs to display the data. I also did some research on live streaming, and extracted information about the various protocols, streaming providers, and how products that exist in the market accomplish streaming.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I improved my programming skills, and learned a new language (C#). I also became familiar with WPF and the .NET framework.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part was being able to program on an almost daily basis, and work as part of a team. Twisthink promotes collaboration and teamwork, so it was neat to be a part of some project teams with frequent meetings and opportunities to work together.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

The internship allowed me to apply skills and concepts that I have learned in school, which I thoroughly enjoyed doing. This assures me that I am going into the right field.

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