Winter Semester Co-Op (Round 2)


Winter Semester Co-Op (Round 2)

Experience Information

Employer: Magna Mirrors
Job Title: Mechanical Engineering Intern
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Magna Mirrors specializes in outside mirrors, inside mirrors, and door handles. Here at the Kraft facility, Magna Mirrors employs around 120 employees. There is not a one man team here at Magna, as it's more of a tight nit community. We all work together to get jobs done right, and on time, as well as support each other.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

3D printing is a daily task that I've been assigned to. Running the 3D printer is a big responsibility, because without it, the prototypes being built in the advance prototype department (my department) would come to a halt. I've also done a lot of benchmarking, where I take data and tear down new production mirrors. It's a nice task that really lets me appreciate the engineering put into outside mirrors that a regular person couldn't see. It also helps me learn more about Magna Mirrors and what we specialize in and try to improve. I have mostly been working on projects where lighting is the main objective. These projects are really fun because of the challenge it gives me. Lighting is a really complex concept that I have little understanding of, but working with an engineer over the past couple months in my department has allowed me to learn much more.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

This co-op experience here at Magna Mirrors helped me really understand what being an engineer is like. I've learned how to properly manage my time, responsibilities, stress levels, and keep our customers and the employees I work with happy. I believe these tools are necessary when I become a full-time engineer wherever I may be. I've also learned a ton about outside mirrors. I'm getting pretty good at identifying a vehicle make and model based upon its mirrors. I'm also expanding on all the knowledge brushed upon in school, it's very interesting.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part about this co-op experience has been working with my supervisor and the employees here. They are some of the nicest people I've met that really want to share their knowledge with you. I have learned so much more here than I would anywhere else because of that. If I'm in need of help, the employees here at Magna Mirrors will always be glad to help, and go above and beyond giving me the experience I was looking for in this co-op.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has made me excited about my future and helped me confirm that Engineering is what I want to do. It has given me hope that there is great people to work with that makes a career enjoyable.

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